Cash in on tech trends with these 5 tips

What recent tech fads has your SMB dismissed as silly? 3D printing, internet of things…Pokémon GO? Juvenile as they may seem, these trends helped a lot of businesses make money. Navigating them may seem like a lost cause, but with the right know-how, you can earn profits by exploiting current tech trends. Let’s take a […]

Here are more VoIP features you can use

The many features available for VoIP may overwhelm and confuse you. You might even overlook a lot of them. How do you keep track of all its applications and functions? We’ve compiled a list of features included with your VoIP service that often go unnoticed. Busy lamp field The busy light notifies you when people […]

4 BYOD security risks you should prepare for

Personal computing is with us wherever we go. Thanks to the rise of the mobile industry, smartphones and tablets allow us to take work home with us. And with the bring your own device (BYOD) strategy, businesses have never been so productive. However, BYOD can pose a number of security risks if you’re not careful. […]

Can AI enhance your e-commerce business?

Artificial intelligence (AI) or “machine learning” has quickly transformed from science fiction to reality, and is currently on track to become an integral part of the corporate business environment. According to experts, by 2020 85% of all customer interactions with businesses will occur via machine learning programs. So if your organization has an e-commerce component, […]

How business continuity plans can fail

Just because your IT provider has a plethora of awards and certifications under its belt doesn’t mean that you can blindly hand over your business’s future to them. Often times, there are some aspects in your business continuity plan that tend to be overlooked by your provider. We have rounded up some of these issues […]

7 tips to increased retweets

Managing your company’s Twitter account can be tricky. You might have a lot of brilliant things to say in under 140 characters, but they’re useless if nobody reads them. So what can you do to get more people viewing and retweeting your posts? Here are a few tricks you can use to get more retweets. […]

Getting ready to switch to VoIP phones

Voice over Internet Protocol, commonly known as VoIP, allows you and your employees to make and take phone calls over the Internet using your existing broadband connection. It saves you loads of money and increases team efficiency. If you’re considering moving to a VoIP solution, here are some of the most important aspects to address […]

New Spectre-style attack discovered

Security experts are constantly discovering new potential threats, and quite recently, they’ve found a new type of Spectre-style attack more dangerous than the original. Here’s a quick rundown of the new Spectre variant. Spectre 101 For those who don’t know, Spectre is a vulnerability in modern computer chips like Intel and AMD that allows hackers […]

Chrome extensions for better productivity

According to Statcounter’s June 2018 web browser usage report, Google Chrome accounts for nearly 60 percent of worldwide market share. Yet despite this whopping account, only a few business users employ any of the productivity-boosting extensions offered in Chrome’s web store. Read on to find out if one of our favorite extensions could solve your […]

Why businesses need web monitoring

The internet is indispensable for improving business productivity, but it’s also an outlet for procrastination. With unfettered access to the internet, it’s easy to stray away from your important work responsibilities. Fortunately, web monitoring can ensure your employees don’t overuse non-work-related sites. Time-saving measures Internet monitoring software saves employees from visiting entertainment, gaming, or online […]