
DNS Cache poisoning: What every SMB must know

DNS Cache poisoning: What every SMB must knowIn one of the most common poisoning attacks, the attacker poisons the DNS Cache with the aim of leading visitors to a fake website. In a DNS cache poisoning case, the attacker gains control of the DNS server and then manipulates cache data such that anyone typing the URL of the actual website is redirected to the fake one.

Think your password is secure? Think again

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created many of the password best practices you probably loathe — using a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. The NIST now says those guidelines were ill-advised and has changed its stance. Find out why and what this means for you. The problem The issue isn’t […]

Protecting yourself against poison attacks

Protecting yourself against poison attacksData poisoning by way of logic corruption, data manipulation and data injection happen when the attacker finds a way to access your data set. The kind of poison attack varies depending on the level of access the attacker is able to achieve Here’s what you can do to ensure such access is prevented.

5G is set to take VoIP to the next level

Thanks to their improved speeds, greater capacity, and reduced latency, 5G networks will make VoIP even more of a must-have for businesses. Here are three ways it will do so. Mobile VoIP VoIP calls rely heavily on sufficient download and upload speeds. For example, when mobile VoIP users on 4G networks are limited to 12 […]

Poison Attacks: A quick overview

Poison Attacks: A quick overviewSmart technology is everywhere. Not just in our offices, but even in our day-to-day lives with tools like Google Home and Alexa becoming a commonplace. With technology becoming smarter every minute, the risks are increasing by the minute as well.

Why your business should get SaaS-y

Businesses these days need different kinds of software to streamline and improve their operations. However, a lot of small businesses can’t readily afford these software. But there is a way to harness the power of such software without draining your resources. Learn more about Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and how your business can benefit from it. What […]

Tips to enhance your website’s look

“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” the cliche goes. But in marketing, looks /do/ matter. Take, for example, your website. It is often the first opportunity to make a good impression on customers and potential customers. You don’t want to squander that opportunity just because your site’s looks aren’t up to par. Here’s how […]

Employee training and Cybersecurity

Employee training & CybersecurityEmployee training will form a big part of the cybersecurity initiative that you will take on as an organization. You need to train your employees to identify and respond correctly to cyberthreats. Here are some employee training best practices that you can make a part of your cybersecurity training program.

Fileless malware: Are you at risk?

Over the past few years, the security industry has witnessed a rapid evolution in attack techniques, including fileless malware. Now, cybercriminals use legitimate tools and services such as existing software, applications, and authorized protocols to carry out malicious activities like unauthorized data retrieval or data damage. Left unchecked, these types of malware can adversely affect […]

Strengthening your cybersecurity policies

Strengthening your cybersecurity policiesFormulating strong IT policies and laying down the best practices for your staff to follow is one of the best ways to prevent your business from becoming a victim of cybercrime. In this blog, we explore the various areas your IT policy should ideally cover.